Don’t cancel that trip yet!

Quite often travelers will cancel their vacation plans because they are left to travel alone. Vacations are your time to relax, enjoy, party, experience different culture, be adventurous…whatever you want it to be. You can do this by yourself. Travel companions are nice to have but not necessary.

Think about the one of the greatest benefits of traveling alone. There are no compromises!! YOU do what YOU want to do when you want to do it! You want to buy that watch, jewelry, handbag? Buy it! No one is there to tell you that you can’t have it. You want to bungee jump, sail on a yacht, zipline? Do it! No one is there to talk you out of it!

I have only begun to travel solo and am loving it! One first was during a solo trip. I took my first helicopter ride in Las Vegas alone.

I have met some wonderful people in my solo travels. While on a day trip to the West Rim of the Grand Canyon from Las Vegas, which included a walk on the glass bottom Skywalk, a New Jersey couple invited me to join them for the day.

While cruising, another couple invited me to have lunch with them. The excursions were full of inviting people.

Remember that travel companions are optional. Who better to enjoy your company than you! Enjoy! Travel in style! Spoil yourself! See the world!