Being a member of several cruising Facebook groups, one question asked quite often is “Will my phone work on the cruise ship?” Yes, your phone will work. However, you should be aware of charges that may be incurred.


As a rule of thumb, I always keep my phone in airplane mode. This prevents me from racking up unnecessary, expensive charges.


Cell Provider

Each provider’s international and/or cruise ship policy varies. It may also vary depending your individual plan. Always contact your cell phone provider before traveling internationally. They can provide you information on international roaming (call, text and data) charges that may be incurred. Be sure to ask about their international plans. For cruising, inquire about international plans for the destinations you will visit plus cruise ship rate plans. These may be 2 separate plans.  


Cruise Ship Cellular Service

Cruise ships do provide cellular service. Remember this is not complimentary. When your phone is in turned on and NOT in airplane mode, you will be charged for using this service. Providing you have your phone set to alert you when roaming, you will be alerted of roaming. Cruise ship rates may be $2 or more per minute. You will not see this charge immediately. Once you return home and receive your next invoice/bill, you will see how the charges added up. In addition to the $2 per minute cruise ship cellular rate, there is another per minute rate from your provider. Calls can cost you $4 or more per minute. Not answering the calls will not eliminate the charges. If someone leaves a voice message, you are also charged for each minute of the saved message. 


To avoid these charges, keep your phone in airplane mode. If you plan to turn it on for photo taking only, always place your phone in airplane mode on day 1. If not, data will be used before you have the opportunity to put it in airplane mode. Charges! Don’t be tempted to listen to any voice mails, respond to text messages, etc. Do nothing but place it in airplane mode to avoid international rate charges. 


Reminder: If you plan to use your mobile service on for the duration of the cruise, check with your cell phone provider for rate plans.


Cruise Ship WiFi

WiFi on cruise ships is not complimentary. Rates vary by cruise line. The cruise line should provide you with WiFi cost before and during your cruise. There may be plans for single or multiple phones. Multiple phones usually are a better value. 


If using cruise ship WiFi, please place your phone in airplane mode on day 1. It is important to note here that your phone should stay in airplane mode until you return to the home US port. Once in airplane mode, turn on WiFi to your phone. Just turn on the WiFi while in airplane mode. This will avoid unnecessary charges. 


If you would like to make phone calls or have others stay in contact with you while you are sailing, download a calling app to your phone. You may need to add a few dollars in order to place certain calls or send text messages. The app should provide you with per minute calling rates by country. Compare these rates with your provider plans. I recommend testing the apps before you travel to ensure the one you downloaded is best for you. Remember, if everyone you need to contact has Messenger and you purchase a WiFi package, you can call them using Messenger. 


Only you know what works best for you. Get all the information before deciding what you will do. You may decide to disconnect and enjoy your vacation! No matter your choice, happy vacationing!