Sad to know my vacation is coming to an end. Will have breakfast and lunch in Buffet Central one last time.

Checkout is by 11:40 am. Key card, towel cards, Wi-Fi router and wrist bands must be turned in to the front desk.

The circuit powering the bathroom and air conditioning was tripped while using the blow dryer. Maintenance arrived quickly. Turns out that the circuit box is located in the closet.

After checking out, you are provided a daily pass for food and beverages until the airport shuttle arrives.

There is one additional hotel pickup before we arrive at the airport. Dominican Republic Customs forms are handed out. 4 counters are open. The airport check-in line moves pretty quick.

Customs is also at a steady pace. Our wait time is not long. Boarding begins on time at exactly one hour before the scheduled departure.

To speed up the boarding process, boarding is in both the front and rear doors. You are directed which entrance to use, based on your seat number. Departure is on time.

United States customs forms are handed out on the plane. Be sure to list the items you purchased on the back of the form. Back home, 15 minutes early. IT IS COLD! 30 degrees cooler than Punta Cana.

There are some areas where you should not go to in Punta Cana, like all cities. It is recommended that non-residents do not drive. The weather is warm year round. It was extremely humid. Overall, the trip was great and recommend Punta Cana! I’ve heard they have some of most beautiful beaches. Vista Sol’s beach area did not disappoint!

Stay tuned for details on a 2020 trip to Punta Cana!