Here is my story!

No one likes to purchase insurance, especially when we rarely use it. When we need it, we are happy we purchased it. Travel insurance is not something I like to purchase. However, when I hear the stories about those that did not purchase it, purchasing travel insurance is mandatory for me!  

I don’t feel so well…

Several years ago, I developed a food allergy while on board a cruise ship. I literally said “My face hurts!” (I know, ‘Well, it’s killing me!’) I went back to my room and looked in the mirror. My jaws were huge! It was very painful!! [FACT…I could have easily been a (jaw) stand-in for Dizzy Gillespie!] I went down to the ship doctor. She wanted me to go to the island hospital. I called my doctor who set her at ease letting her know it was an allergic reaction. Thankful that I was then quarantined to my room for 24 hours. During the 24 hours, the medical staff visited my room twice to administer Benadryl. This was a total of 3 doctor visits + Benadryl. $300+! This was added to my sea pass account. 

Karma is a ‘B’!

I was not able to get off the ship in that port. Several cruises ago, I joked with my mom about leaving here at the dock if the cruise line denied her boarding. She had a bad cough weeks before our departure. The day I was quarantined, she got off the ship without me and said she had a great time at that port. 😊

24 Hours Later…Relief

The swelling had completely gone down the next morning. I avoided seafood the remainder of the cruise. Not sure if that was the cause but there were no more reactions.

Submitting Claims 

Once I returned home, I submitted my medical bills to my employer insurance for reimbursement. $35! Treatment by the ship doctor is considered a non-network visit. 

I then completed the forms for the travel insurance provided, attached the medical bills and mailed everything to them. I was reimbursed for the remaining balance!! $59 for my travel insurance is not bad when you look at what it covered. Policy costs vary by company and policy type.    

Travel Insurance

Travel insurance will cover pre-existing medical conditions if you purchase it by their ‘pre-existing inclusion’ cutoff date. That dates is usually up to 22 days from the date you reserved/purchased your vacation. Travel insurance purchases after that date do not cover any pre-existing medical condition, even if the medical illness/injury is listed as a covered reason. The policy will state this. For peace of mind, I recommend travel protection insurance for your peace of mind.

Insurance policies vary by company. Some companies offer several policies. 

While this blog was about my experience during a cruise, travel insurance is available for land vacations. This includes domestic and international travel.   

Travel Insurance…please do not leave without it! 

